
General Information

Full Name Daniel Scalena
Date of Birth 11th September 1999
Languages Italian, English


  • 2023
    PhD, Computer Science
    University of Milano - Bicocca & University of Groningen
    • Interpretability as a tool to make generative models safer, more reliable and less toxic.
  • 2023
    MSc, Computer Science
    University of Milano - Bicocca
    • Final grade 110/110 with Honors.
    • Thesis "On the explainability of Large Language Models detoxification".
  • 2021
    BSc, Computer Science
    University of Milano - Bicocca
    • Final grade 110/110 with Honors.
    • Thesis on "Hate Speech detection using NLP techniques on Tik Tok social network".


  • 2023 - Present
    Research Intern
    University of Groningen, Netherlands
    • Study, research and development of RLHF/RLAIF and fine-tune algorithms applied to generative language models to modify their behaviour in generating hate speech, effectively automating and controlling the detoxification process and counter-narrative generation
    • Research on the interpretability of the models themselves, analyzing their shift as a result of the post-training procedures adopted.
  • Jun 2022 - Present
    Assistant Researcher
    University of Milano - Bicocca, Italy
    • Research project commissioned by the Italian Ministry of Justice and CINI.
    • Open Relation Extraction on criminal sentences - Improving state-of-the-art for technical and legal texts. Use of text mining techniques, seq2seq models and Large Language Models
  • June 2022 - Aug 2022
    Machine Learning Engeneer
    Testudo S.R.L, Italy
    • Worked with University MIND lab team developing and deploying a Machine Learning model to predict timestamps regarding working hours.
    • I had the opportunity to work on a large amount of data and train a neural network to achieve excellent performance in a non-ideal case, improving productivity of the company's automatic systems.
  • March 2021 - May 2021
    University of Milano - Bicocca, Italy
    • University internship in the field of Hate Speech detection using NLP techniques on Tik Tok social network.
    • Achieved excellent performance thanks to the use of lexicons and large language models with transformers-based architecture.

Academic Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence.
    • Natural Languge Processing & Reinforcement Learning.
    • Transformer-based architecture and generative language models.

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: I'm Lazy Photographer and an active dreamer 🚀